In this program in late spring, 2024, the Finland Food Chain is supplying 10 free chicks to 15 participants. This is a 12-16 week commitment. Participants are responsible for purchasing feed and needs for the chicks. Mentors will guide you from preparing to receive chicks, through the butchering process; including self-processing, group processing or where to get birds processed! Fill up your freezer or learn how to take meat to market.
THE GOAL: To provide community education around raising meat birds for our families and community, allow more access to healthy locally raised food, collect data around obstacles we face as a region around raising and processing locally sourced meat in hopes of finding funding, strategies and building infrastructure to support more people to produce local food.
Project Updates:
Time to get ready for meat chicks! For those participating in our Poultry to the People Project, chicks will arrive about June 19th so it’s time to make sure your brooder set-up is ready to go. Here’s some info on what you need to have before your chicks arrive.

Click here for a Guide to Raising Meat Chickens
Click here for a printable Expense Tracker Report