The newest version of the MN Cottage Food Law allows each registered individual (e.g. family member) to make up to $18,000 in direct to consumer sales of non-hazardous value-added products each year, made in your own home kitchen!
Get the skinny on what the current Cottage Food Laws allow you to do, how to register and complete the online or face-to-face training requirement. We demystify the rules of what can & cannot be sold under the Cottage Food Law and what you need to do to get legal and build your value-added income. The Cottage Food options provide great opportunities to explore value-added products as a part of your farm business.
Cindy Hale, the Producer Education & Infrastructure Coordinator for the Finland Food Chain Project. As co-owner of Clover Valley Farms, she has over 15 years of experience as a grower and value-added producer in NE Minnesota.
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